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Virginia DeMolay
Basketball Rules

Virginia DeMolay > Competitions > Basketball Rules

The purpose of this award is to recognize the chapter that has excelled in completing certain tasks which show excellent work in DeMolay. The application form for this award will be forwarded to each chapter prior to the annual Conclave by the Deputy State Master Councilor.


To apply for this award, download the application using the links to the right, fill out the application and return to Dad Sellers via e-mail ( by July 1, 2017.Requirements:


  1. Achieve your Chapter's Representative DeMolay (RD) quota. For the 2018 - 2019 year (July 29, 2018 - July 6, 2019), the quota for each Virginia DeMolay chapter is four (4) new RD awards.

  2. Achieve your Chapter's Leadership Correspondence Course (LCC) quota. For the 2018 - 2019 year (July 29, 2018 - July 6, 2019), the quota for each Virginia DeMolay chapter is four (4) LCC completers. An LCC completer is any DeMolay, Advisor, or parent who receives the Lamp of Knowledge Award.

  3. Earn one PMC-MSA between July 29, 2018 - July 6, 2019.

  4. Earn one Blue Honor Key or two Founder's Membership awards between July 29, 2018 - July 6, 2019.

  5. Publish a chapter newspaper. At least four issues must be submitted with your application.

  6. Be represented at all State Quarterly meetings by a delegation of at least 3 active members. Virginia DeMolay's planned quarterly meetings include Fall Festival on October 27, 2018; Brotherhood Weekend; Spring Quarterly Meeting and Grand Master's Class on June 1, 2019 in Luray; and Conclave at Christopher Newport University (while applications are due prior to Conclave, the award will not be presented if the chapter does not attend Conclave).

  7. Have candidates receive degrees at Virginia DeMolay's Grand Master's Class in Luray on June 1, 2019.

  8. Have at least five chapter visitations between July 29, 2018 - July 6, 2019. A "chapter visitation" is defined as having at least three active members of your chapter visiting a regular stated meeting of another chapter.

  9. Be represented at a Leadership Conference. Any organized DeMolay Leadership conference hosted by one or more DeMolay jurisdictions (such as the Pennsylvania DeMolay Key Man Conference) counts for this requirement.

  10. Have your chapter raise $600 between July 29, 2018 - July 6, 2019.

  11. Be represented at the 2018 Advisors' Retreat Weekend.

  12. Complete at least 30 man-hours of Masonic Service between July 29, 2018 - July 6, 2019.

  13. Complete at least 30 man-hours of Civic Service between July 29, 2018 - July 6, 2019. (your masonic and civic service events must be independent of each other - the same event can not count for both)

  14. Achieve 100% of your Chapter's Survival Goal. Your chapter's "Survival Goal" is equal to the number of chapter members who will turn 21 years of age between July 29, 2018 - July 6, 2019. The goals for each chapter can be found using the membership statistics tool on the DeMolay International web site, or by viewing the chart below. If the chapter's survival goal is 0, then the chapter must initiate at least one new member. Remember that your new members only count toward this goal if they are initiated between these dates and their Form 10s are submitted within 10 DAYS of initiation.




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