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Virginia DeMolay Competition & Award Winners
William Mason Saunders
compYear | Competition |
1975 | Advisor of the Year |
1973 | Advisor of the Year |
1973 | State RD |
1973 | Humanitarian |
1972 | Chapter RD |
1970 | Oratorical |
1970 | Flower Talk |
1970 | Chapter of the Year |
1969 | Oratorical |
1969 | Humanitarian |
1969 | Chapter of the Year |
1968 | Flower Talk |
1968 | Humanitarian |
1968 | DeMolay Degree |
1966 | Softball |
1966 | Humanitarian |
1965 | Humanitarian |
1965 | Softball |
1965 | Advisor of the Year |
1964 | State RD |
1964 | Humanitarian |
1964 | Softball |
1963 | Humanitarian |
1962 | Softball |
1962 | State RD |
1962 | Humanitarian |
1961 | State RD |
1960 | Chapter of the Year |
1956 | Chapter of the Year |
1947 | Galloping Gavel [Summer] |
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