Virginia DeMolay
Dad Louis K. Campbell Advisor of the Year Award Rules
Virginia DeMolay > Competitions > Advisor of the Year Award Rules
The purpose of this award is to select the outstanding advisor in the state who best typifies and exemplifies the character, conduct, and enthusiastic support of DeMolay expected of all advisors. All advisors are eligible if nominated.
The advisor is automatically placed in consideration for the honor conferred by the Supreme Council, "Guild of the Leather Apron".
An Advisor must not know of his nomination and can win this award only once.
Only DeMolay activities for the current Conclave year will be considered.
Procedure for nomination:
Master Councilor of local chapter should appoint a committee of at least five members to bring a recommendation to the chapter for nomination for Advisor of the Year.
Chapter votes and makes selection. Advisors do not participate in selection.
Master Councilor sends completed nomination form to the Executive Officer and Virginia DeMolay's Competitions Advisor.
Format for nomination:
Advisor's Name
Chapter affiliation
Narrative stating why nominee should be selected as the Advisor of the Year.
All nominations must be submitted to Virginia DeMolay's Competitions Advisor by July 1, 2019.
Final selection will be made by the Executive Officer and a committee appointed by him, who will forward the name of the winner to the Director of Competitions.