1997 Virginia DeMolay Fall Fest
Saturday, October 18, 1997
Virginia Marine Science Museum

The Virginia State Association
International Order of DeMolay
Fall Festival and Quarterly Meeting Announcement
The Virginia State Association's annual Fall Festival and State Quarterly meeting will be held in Virginia Beach, Va. on the weekend of October 18 -19, 1997. Registration, the business meeting, and the banquet will be held in Lynnhaven Masonic Lodge.
The deadline for reservations and money will be September 29, 1997. No exceptions will be made, as the hotel requires payment and registration information in advance.
The weekend will include a business meeting, Tour of the Virginia Marine Science Museum, a Majority Service, a Banquet and Dance, and Overnight Lodging. The cost for the weekend is as follows:
6 per room: $30.00 - 5 per room: $35.00
4 per room: $40.00 - 3 per room: $50.00
Banquet only $15.00 per person
The Majority Service will be put on courtesy of Norfolk Chapter, Order of DeMolay and the ceremony is open to all Senior DeMolay who have not had it. Anyone interested in receiving the degree should contact "Dad" Chris Douglas at (757) 428-7197. The
Saturday, October 18, 1997
0900 - 1000 Registration/Check in at Lynnhaven Masonic Lodge
1000 - 1100 Transit to Virginia Marine Science Museum
1100 - 1400 Tour of Museum
1600 - 1730 Business Session
1800 - 2400 Banquet and Dance
Sunday, October 19, 1997
08:30 - 10:00 Religious Service/Check out.
Hotel accommodations will be handled by:
The Virginia Beach Resort Hotel
and Conference Center.
2800 Shore Drive
Virginia Beach, VA. 23451
(757) 481-9000
The Dress for the Business Meeting and the Banquet is Coat and Tie. The dance may be casual. All other activities are casual dress. Please Remember that the Deadline for Registration and Payment is September 29, 1997, with NO EXCEPTIONS. Why not share the fun? Bring a candidate.
Robert C. Shrieves, Jr.
Deputy State Master Councilor