2015 Virginia DeMolay Brotherhood Weekend
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Richmond Scottish Rite Temple

Brotherhood Weekend
January 17-18, 2015
Richmond Scottish Rite Temple
4204 Hermitage Road Richmond, VA
Total Weekend includes Saturday lunch and banquet dinner, dance, pizza party, and hotel room DeMolay and Advisors only:
$61.00 per person (4x to a room DeMolay, 2x to a room Advisor)
$68.00 per person (3x to a room)
$80.00 per person (2x to a room)
$118.00 per person (1x to a room)
Day Only (includes Saturday lunch and banquet dinner, dance, and pizza party) – DeMolay and Advisors only - $38.50 per person
Banquet, Dance, and Pizza Party (by ticket only): - open to guests $36.00 per person.
Banquet and Dance (by ticket only) – open to guests - $27.00 per person.
Dance and Pizza Party – open to guests - $17.00.
Registration Procedure:
ALL REGISTRATION IS DONE ONLINE. Go to www.vademolay.org and click on the “Quarterlies” tab for the link to the registration page.
All registrations and monies (check or credit card payment preferred) are due to Dad Luke Giannini by January 3rd, 2015. Please make checks payable to “Central Region DeMolay”
After January 3rd, there will be a $5.00 late fee up to the add deadline of January 10th. THERE WILL BE NO ADDITIONS ALLOWED AFTER THIS DATE.
The cancellation deadline is January 12th, 2015. After this point, your Chapter, Bethel, or Assembly will be financially responsible for any canceled attendees.
Please email at deputy@crvademolay.org if you have any questions.