2018 has officially come to a close and Virginia DeMolay has been busy throughout November and December.
On November 9th and 10th, I had the opportunity to address The Grand Lodge of Masons in Virginia. The hospitality provided by the Grand Master, Dad Gary Taylor and his wife, Billie, was terrific. I enjoyed every bit of being around the Masons in Virginia and being able to talk to everyone about how DeMolay is thankful for Masonry. I also had a great opportunity to meet Dad Lokie Leo Voight, a lifelong dedicated DeMolay advisor, who was named the recipient of the 2018 Odie R. Howell, Jr. Leadership Award. I was also joined by members from Petersburg Chapter as well!
A week later, on November 16th, I had the pleasure to attend the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in Virginia. I had the distinction to address the Masons and talked about how we as DeMolays are constantly seeking guidance from all kinds of Masons. The hospitality provided by the Grand High Priest, Joe Broce, and his wife, Deborah, was wonderful. The food at the banquet was tremendous!
On November 17th, the Eastern Region participated in a Regional fundraiser. They attended the Old Dominion vs. VMI football game and sold programs. It was a great time as we all got to spend time with each other throughout the whole day.
Later that night, Virginia DeMolay attended Virginia Rainbow's Charity Dance. We had a great time supporting our Masonic Family!
On November 24th, Virginia DeMolay attended the Miss Jobs Daughter's Pageant in Williamsburg. It was great to see the three new Misses crowned as the new leaders of their organization. There was also a dance after the pageant which was fun and another great time spent with our Masonic Family.
With November to a close, I was really able to reflect on how thankful I am for my Masonic heritage and being able to be part of such a big family. Everyone has something they are thankful for everyday, and for me...it's all of you!
During December, Virginia DeMolay pushed to make big things happen and we did!
On December 2nd, Virginia DeMolay welcomed 4 new members into our great order. Woodlawn Chapter initiated two members during their initiation. Ashburn and Prince William Chapters both initiated one member during their joint initiation. Great Job guys! Continue bringing in those members as we go into the new year!
On December 15th, Ashburn and Herndon Chapters participated in Wreaths Across America where they laid wreaths at Arlington National Cemetery. A special moment was when they got to lay a wreath for Brother Merrill Walter Hoover, a Senior DeMolay who was lost at sea when he was 20 years old during World War 2. Memories that will last a lifetime for these two chapters!
On December 20th, Tidewater initiated 5 new members! It was great to be a part of the Initiatory and DeMolay Degree. The degree teams did an excellent job and it did not go unnoticed!
During the mother of December, Virginia DeMolay grew in membership! Virginia brought in a total of 9 members in one month! How exciting!
I hope everyone had a great holiday season! I want to wish you all a Happy New Year and may the new year bring Virginia DeMolay continued success and achievement!